Thursday, June 25, 2009

Throw some light

He knows of a man with an ego bigger than Christianity. For the purpose of explanation please understand that this man is a member of The Body Control Association who are contactable on ???????, 24/7. This man is not in any way, manner or means to be confused with the inventor and operator of, George Douglas Grant. Any resemblance between both men is accidental on the part of the author (who!).

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Highest point

'There's gold in them there hills.'
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Saturday, June 20, 2009

The next page...

He heard soft applause and realized that some of the faithfully present were clapping. That's an odd note, he thought, and filed it under Funereal Unusualness.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Later in the story...

Seeing them all row upon row had reminded him of a bank vault at first and then for some reason a communal shower had sprung to mind. Oh dear. He thought of the gas shower from the Shoah; a separate drawer for each person's togs perhaps. Then the house where Angela was born appeared in his brain. He pictured it although he'd never been there nor seen any photographs-he just knew it was where she had first drank air.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

A wish

I hope she shines on me.
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On his mind...

His questioning mind was at work as usual, querying if there was a difference between a rite and a mass; and what of transubstantiation, he wondered, as that mouthful word bounced back into his brain.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

More background

Todd could be a little hard on himself on occasion. Likewise, others found Todd a little hard at times. Maybe he set the bar too high in his hopes for his time in the world.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Something caught my eye...

'The town laid out before me looked beautiful to me.'
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Saturday, June 6, 2009

Some words on the law

Ole Zork had yet to enact the draconian statutes so prevalent in other municipalities re alcohol and tobacco. For that reason, Todd could go back on the cigarettes without the cabdriver blowing a gasket and shouting/quoting the names of acts and legislative numbers through the sliding glass hatch; a scene so ubiquitous in film, for example, that we've all witnessed it a thousand times: a driver bellowing into a cab's cavernous back area 'Put out that cigarette you filthy animal! You're in direct contravention of the Tobacco Banishment Act, 1997 - subsection VII as it pertains to trains, taxis, buses and planes!'

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Blithely pondering

Todd's mind tended to drift like so much wood down a deep, dark river. He thought of funerals; how they were, in fact, a bit like omnibuses. You waited an age for one and several came along at once.